Oh HONEY, you better Beehive yourself! Beecause in this suit people will bee SWARMING to get a taste of all your STICKY TREASURE!?!
This look will have the party all a BUZZ beecause this look is VENOMOUS! The fierce black Bee glasses are included! The gauntlets are sold separately because this look ALSO looks great with long black gloves so you decided! Both match perfectly and are available on this site. If youre more modest just wear a pair of black underwear or shorts over the bottom so you dont have to feel uncomfortable because your bumble butt is hanging out!
The Body Thong is made of extremely comfortable four way stretch mesh spandex that you won't want to take off. The material has a lot of give so it only needs to be offered in two sizes, Small/Medium and Medium/Large. If you're over 5' 10" or 170lbs then you may want the Medium/Large size depending on your other measurements. The material has a lot of stretch to it so if you're on the fence PERHAPS you should order the smaller size as its better to be too tight than too big with spandex.
Like all Slick It Up products this suit is proudly made in New York City with a portion of sales benefitting charities like the Ali Forney Foundation, Rainbow Railroad, and the Dian Fossey Gorilla Fund. All orders ship for a low flat rate no matter how much you buy so be sure to take advantage of that offer!